Lauren Cadilac
After living in DFW for eight years, and eventually putting down a dog of 17 years, in 2019, Lauren was finally ready for a new dog. She and her family adopted Timme’ and a friend suggested they attend ABOTC training for the new family member.
On their second day at class, it appeared that class might be shut down. Lauren inquired as to what was going on and was advised that the Park Police were trying to shut down the training. True to form, Lauren asked if the group had an attorney and when the answer was NO- she immediately said now you do. Not only did she get the Park Police to leave them alone that night, she made a novel argument to the City about permits, and the club carries on every Wednesday in the same spot as it has for the last forty plus years.
Lauren has trained several of her dogs but primarily continues to assist the club with legal advice, and monthly enrollments.
If you need a badass lawyer, please visit www.cadilaclaw.net
