Emily Heitzman
Beginner Class I
Emily started as an ABOTC student at with a mixed breed puppy who showed up on her driveway at only 5 weeks old. Her vet told her to get the puppy into an obedience class – quick.
Since joining ABOTC in 1995, she has trained that puppy, Tiger; Maggie, an Australian Cattle Dog/Greyhound mix, Lexus and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Max.
Her Blue Heeler, Maggie, has been her class demonstration dog since she started teaching.
Emily is a firm believer in dog rescue – responsible rescue with training to create canine good citizens. She teaches beginner’s class to show first-time dog owners a new way to communicate with their dog and the personal satisfaction of a well-trained dog.
Emily has been a volunteer teacher at ABOTC since 1998.
This clip shows Emily explaining some basic training information to dog owners at the First Month Class