Danny Middleton
Intermediate Class

I previously trained with ABOTC over 40 years ago with my sheltie, showing in AKC Obedience Trials. I have currently been with ABOTC since 2009, training three of my rescue dogs, attending various dog training seminars and teaching in the Intermediate Class for about ten years. I am very interested in working with rescues and helping people give these dogs another chance.
My first best friends were mostly dogs. Very few years of my life have passed without a dog or some dogs in my household. I have had contact and experience with dogs of just about every attitude and aptitude. I learned that you are either your dog’s trainer or you are being trained by your dog. You get that dog to follow your lead or get ready to deal with whatever your dog is leading you into.
You need to lead your dog firmly but patiently with kindness for your dog. Have realistic expectations and do the work to accomplish your dog training goals. You will only get out what you put in. When you want more, you will have to do more.